Status Update

Status Update

2021, Aug 28    

I’m using this space to discuss with whoever is reading this (mostly my own mind) what the next steps are on my dev journey. And i’ve decided to focus on some subjects more than others for now. I will use the remainder of this year to enhance my programming and troubleshooting skills on the following topics:

Game Development : I’ve decided to follow my heart once in a lifetime and this was my response to seek something that will help me project my imagination into the world. I’m finishing a mega tutorial of Unity with C# and already made some games with it (more on that on future posts). After finish that i will focus on SDL and Opengl with C++ because i like to learn how things work without an engine doing every work for me.

Web Development : I’m feeling that i need a backup plan and nothing better than good old web dev, and since i’ve grasp some Python with Django here and there, i think it’s time to finally commit. Also i’m planning to focus on Kotlin for android.

Embedded Systems : And finally my electrical engineer wanabee calling (well that and the fact that i’m doing a technologic degree in Internet of Things). Electronics and embedded systems were always a magic to me and i’ve decided to finally embrace this. With a strong dose of C for microcontrollers.

So that’s that. This was more of an online thoughts section that people can roast me than anything else. With theses plans unfold, the focus of my posts will be based on these topics. And once in a while a AI to booth.

Cheers :D